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Mentor Training / Forum

Creating the JEA Mentoring Program brochure: From an idea to the finished product

by Linda Barrington JEA Mentoring Committee co-chair I am a teacher. I sell my students the tools to read, write, and express themselves and to understand others and the universe. Yes, I sell them on the value of English, journalism, and speech in their lives. I am also a believer in the Journalism Education Association’s...

Mentoring Matters: Three ways JEA mentors provide assistance to new journalism teachers

Be sure to check out the Spring 2011 edition of Mentoring Matters, the newsletter of the Journalism Education Association Mentoring Program. Mentoring Matters has been published twice a year, beginning in the Fall of 2008, and serves as both an overview to the program and as a snapshot of the program from semester to semester. The...

Strengths Coaching with Nick Ferentinos

Nick Ferentinos leads a session on strengths coaching at the mentor forum. Ferentinos said to use other sources to help identify strengths. In particular, a mentor is important in helping a mentee identify and remember previous successes (#2) 1. Confirmation from others 2. Prior successes; this is where we use the log record to help...

First thing in the morning

First thing in the morning: group shot.

Mentor forum starts at Anaheim

The JEA mentor program has begun its sixth Mentor Forum. In 2011 we are at Anaheim. The mentor committee has been preparing for months and trust sharing, bonding, learning will be enjoyed by all. Members of the JEA Mentoring Committee: Nick Ferentinos, Linda Barrington (co-chair), Mary Anne McCloud, Judy Robinson, Julie Dodd (co-chair), Peggy Gregory and...

On Being Mentored: A Panel Discussion

“On Being Mentored”  was a panel discussion with mentees at the JEA Kansas City Convention in the Fall of 2010. by Peggy Gregory The panel included Diane Hicks, mentor Gary Lindsey; Jessica Young, mentor Konnie Krislock; and Erica Rickard, former mentor Mary Anne McCloud who was also her high school journalism teacher What is one...

Mentor Forum: Mentor Language and Mentor Conversation led by Nick Ferentinos

by Peggy Gregory A video conversation between Mary Anne McCloud and her mentee Erica Rickard was viewed during the afternoon of the mentor training. Mentor trainer Nick Ferentinos prompted mentors to watch the video for: Mentor language – conversation stems Paraphrasing Clarifying questions Mediational questions Non-judgmental responses Suggestions Body language Mentors, who all agreed that...

Mentor Forum: Digital Judy on Blog and Mentor Radio

by Peggy Gregory Digital Judy, otherwise known as Judy Robinson, urged mentors to sign up for the JEA Mentoring Matters blog during her session, “Technology for Mentees.” Signing up will enable mentors to receive automatic emails for each blog update. Mentors will also find many helpful resources on the blog including a list of websites,...

Photos from the Mentor Forum

Below enjoy a few photos, taken by Peggy Gregory, from the forum. Also the photos will be added to the Flickr files (see the link on the right) for you to add to your personal photo albums. [slideshow]

New teachers in the JEA Mentoring Program discuss the impact their mentors have had on their journalism teaching and advising

by Linda Barrington JEA Mentoring Committee co-chair One of the best parts of the JEA/NSPA convention in Portland this April was the mentee panel, a closed session for the JEA mentors, mentees and committee members. This was the first time we had such a gathering, and it was so worthwhile and informative that I think...

JEA Mentor Forum at JEA/NSPA Convention in Portland

A good group of mentors sharing, discussing and proactive about mentoring are engaged in Thursday workshop in the Portland Convention Center, April 15.

JEA Mentoring Committee meets to prepare for convention and the committee’s future activities

by Julie Dodd JEA Mentoring Committee co-chair The Mentoring Committee met this evening to review progress, set goals, and discuss plans for activities during the JEA/NSPA convention. Tomorrow is the Mentor Forum, with about 20 mentors participating in a day-long workshop to be held at the Oregon Convention Center. Peggy, Bill and Judy will be...