Thank you all for completing the new End of Semester form for mentor reports for Fall 2017 semester. I hope you found the process workable for you. On the committee’s end, it is proving to be a much more effective way to access your reports. If you have any comments or suggestions on the process, either email me, or let me know your thoughts at the Mentor Forum in San Francisco.

I just want to give you a heads up about the Spring 2018 reports. You will complete two forms this time: 1) End of Semester report (complete the form separately for each mentee you have just as you did last semester) and 2) Data Collection form (complete this form once with aggregated data from all your mentees).

The information from the Data Collection form will be shared with mentoring program funders, to include Yellow Chair, and the JEA Board, as it has in the past. Completing the form will make the data we receive more complete and uniform, therefore, more accurate as to the growth and impact of the mentoring program.

To make this easier for you in completing the form, plan now to obtain the following information from your mentees as you work with them through this spring:

• A list of the media each mentee advises

• Whether or not the mentee will be returning to his/her advising position in the 2018-2019 school year

• If the mentee is not returning as an adviser, the reason(s) why

• The total enrollment in all media programs for each mentee for the 2017-2018 school year

• The projected enrollment in all media programs for each mentee for the 2018-2019 school year

• The total number of awards students received from regional/state/national competitions in 2017-2018

• Awards that each mentee has received at 1) state level and 2) national level

• The number of new J-programs/courses to be offered by each mentee for the 2018-2019 school year

• The titles of new J-programs/courses to be offered for the 2018-2019 school year

• The number of current club/before-after school J-programs to become courses within the school day for the 2018-2019 school year

Links to the two report forms will be sent to you in May. You will need to have the forms completed by June 30, 2018. Gathering this information over the next three months will make it easier for you and for your mentees who always are in a scurry at the end of the school year.

Thanks, and I’ll see you in San Francisco

Sheila Jones, CJE

JEA Mentor – Colorado