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Scholastic Journalism

Advice on how to respond to students who expect an elective journalism class to be ‘fun and easy’

by Julie Dodd JEA Mentor Committee co-chair Here’s a question I received from a new journalism teacher: “I have a couple of students who have told me that because journalism is an elective, they think it should be more fun. They’re not fans of reading and writing activities, so I’m struggling a bit with trying to...

Three ways the New York Times Student Journalism Week can help high school journalism teachers

The New York Times’ Learning Network just ran a four-day Student Journalism Week. Fortunately, the four days of posts and numerous related resources are available online. Here are three ways high school journalism teachers can benefit from these materials. 1. Help develop the rationale you use to promote the value of your high school journalism...

Mentoring Monday: Improved newspaper program leads to staff cohesion, college opportunities and positive year for adviser

Editor’s note: Martha Rockwell, a Journalism Education Association mentor in North Carolina, shared this story of Leah Baisden, who is one of her mentees. Baisden is the newspaper adviser at South Iredell High School in Troutman, N.C. by Martha Rockwell North Carolina mentor Last year as I sat in Leah Baisden’s classroom for the end of the...

Deadline for making nominations for JEA awards is July 1

by Julie Dodd JEA Mentoring Committee co-chair Now’s the time to make nominations for JEA awards. The deadline for most awards is July 1. Check the JEA website for the list of awards and information about how to make nominations. JEA awards recognize veteran advisers, promising new advisers, media organizations, and supportive school administrators. You...

Poynter’s NewsU offers online course for high school journalism teachers

by Julie Dodd JEA Mentoring Committee co-chair For journalism teachers — such as our mentees — who are seeking ways to increase their advising skill set, the Poynter Institute’s NewsU is offering an online course that can help. Becoming a More Effective Adviser: Journalism Values and Craft will run for three weeks (July 25 –...

Mentoring Monday — JEA mentees and their students attend Ohio Scholastic Media Association state convention

The fourth annual Ohio Scholastic Media Association state convention was a time of great celebration for Ohio mentors Wayne and Georgia Dunn and their mentees. Four current or former mentees and some of their staff members attended the two-day workshop which included both day-of and pre-entered contests.  Tim Harrower was the featured speaker and workshop presenter. At...

10 tips for having a great experience when you take students to a convention

by Julie Dodd JEA Mentoring Committee co-chair This time next week, more than 4,000 high school journalism students and teachers will be attending the Journalism Education Association/National Scholastic Press Association Convention in Anaheim. The convention is a highlight of the school year for students and teachers alike as they have several days focused only on...

Race to the Top funding leads to state adoption of Common Core Standards and need for K-12 curriculum revision

by Julie Dodd JEA Mentoring Committee co-chair The big news in education in Florida is that the state will receive funding in the national Race to the Top program  — possibly $700 million. That kind of money is the driving force that enabled Florida’s governor, Charlie Crist, to get 54 of the local teachers’ unions...

Change, Challenge and Connection: Julie Dodd Honors Lecturer

by Judy Robinson On August 5, 2010, Julie E. Dodd, co-chair and one of the founders of the  JEA Mentoring program, delivered the 2010 Scholastic Journalism Division Honors Lecture at the AEJMC conference in Denver. Many of you wanted to hear her yet were unable to be there for a variety of reasons.  Since several...

Advisers and students will share their Quill and Scroll experiences and memories for video project with filming at JEA/NSPA convention in Portland

by Julie Dodd JEA Mentoring Committee co-chair What’s a favorite memory you have about Quill and Scroll? Those of us who have been advisers of Quill and Scroll chapters have many memories – induction ceremonies, recognizing special students, and chapter service projects. Students who have been inducted into Quill and Scroll will have special memories,...

Kettle Moraine Press Association advisers’ seminar provides ideas, resources and inspiration for new advisers

by Linda Barrington JEA Mentoring Committee co-chair State and regional journalism conferences are ideal places to learn more, make new j-friends and renew j-friendships. The first weekend in March, the Kettle Moraine Press Association (KEMPA) hosts a Winter Advisers Seminar featuring a nationally known presenter for the major part of the program. This year John...

Dow Jones Newspaper Fund changes name to Dow Jones News Fund

Editor’s note: The Dow Jones Newspaper Fund is joining other media organizations in changing its name to reflect the changes in the newspaper industry. The organization is now the Dow Jones News Fund. Here’s the news release provided by Linda Shockley, deputy director. PRINCETON, N.J. (March 23, 2010) — The Dow Jones Newspaper Fund has changed its...