gallery_smugmugby Julie E. Dodd
JEA Mentoring Committee co-chair

Good news from our JEA colleague Aaron Manfull, who is chair of the JEA Digital Media Committee.

Aaron announced in a JEA Digital Media blog post (and also on the JEA listserv) that SmugMug is offering a free account for non-profit organizations. That’s good news because that can provide a fundraising opportunity for student media.

For those hearing about SmugMug for the first time…

SmugMug is an online photo sharing site that lets you upload photos and then sell them — as photos, designs on T-shirts, etc. Previously, SmugMug charged a hefty membership fee that discouraged many student media programs from signing up for an account. But with the offer of free accounts for non-profits (like schools), SmugMug provides a fundraising opportunity for student media.

In his blog post, Aaron explains how student media has used SmugMug to sell photos and make money for the publication. The screen capture at the top of this post is a gallery on SmugMug of photos from Aaron’s newspaper staff.