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Posts tagged "Georgia Dunn"

Developing teacher leaders through JEA Mentor Program

by Georgia and Wayne Dunn Ohio Mentors As members of the first set of mentors, we have had the privilege of working with 18 beginning advisers — some for two years and some for three. All but one of those mentees are still in education. Two others are not currently advising because their programs were...

Mentoring Monday: Magazine staff creates content and does printing

JEA mentors Georgia and Wayne Dunn visited their mentee Rebekah Yzenski and her staff on deadline night. Yzenski is a first-year adviser at Sheridan High School in Thornville, OH, and advises The General Idea. The General Idea is an 8-page full-color magazine. In addition to creating the content for the magazine and doing the page...

Mentoring Monday — JEA mentees and their students attend Ohio Scholastic Media Association state convention

The fourth annual Ohio Scholastic Media Association state convention was a time of great celebration for Ohio mentors Wayne and Georgia Dunn and their mentees. Four current or former mentees and some of their staff members attended the two-day workshop which included both day-of and pre-entered contests.  Tim Harrower was the featured speaker and workshop presenter. At...