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How can help high school journalism programs

by Georgia Dunn JEA mentor (Ohio) Ohio JEA mentee Beth Bloom and her students from Amelia High School in the West Clermont School District near Cincinnati are the proud owners of a new Nikon camera – and it was donated to them. Bloom and her students put together a project for the website According...

’13 Steps to Teacher Empowerment’ encourages new teachers to determine proactive ways to work with veteran teachers, principals and parents (Part Two)

by Nick Ferentinos JEA Mentoring Committee In a presentation at the New Teacher Center’s Annual Symposium in San Jose, Calif., “Leveraging the School Culture to Support New Teacher Mentoring,” Harry Ross and Steve Zemelman addressed the practical strategies taken from their book, “13 Steps to Teacher Empowerment: Taking a More Active Role in Your School...