The staff of the Beachcomber (Beachwood High School, Beachwood Ohio) staff posed for a group photo at the OSMA Convention. Photo by Doug Levin

The staff of the Beachcomber (Beachwood High School, Beachwood Ohio) posed for a group photo at the OSMA Convention. The staff had its best performance at in contests at the convention. Photo by Doug Levin

by Georgia and Wayne Dunn
JEA Mentors, Ohio

We were some pretty proud mentors at the Ohio Scholastic Media Association convention when OSMA executive director Candace Perkins Bowen announced the awards. Seven of our present and former mentees entered their students in individual contests, and their students won 226 awards!

Here are two tips for advisers:

Tip # 1 — Enter every contest you can!

Tip #2 – Send a press release to get coverage of your students’ accomplishments.
Following a convention, be sure to send a press release about your student and publication accomplishments to your local media. OSMA provided a fill-in the blanks press release on the OSMA website. You can modify the news release for your event. OSMA News Release