by Julie Dodd
Mentoring Committee co-chair

This is the time of year when new teachers (and veteran teachers who are new to teaching journalism) are looking forward to the holiday break.

Most are eager for a break from publication deadlines, paper grading and lesson planning. Many also are thinking about how they can make improvements in their teaching and course materials to be more successful (or continue their success) for the second half of the school year.

JEA Mentoring Committee member Peggy Gregory offers two sources of inspiration/assistance.

Peggy sent us Beth Hammett‘s “Becoming a Successful Teacher” Powerpoint presentation — BecomingaSuccessfulTeacher

You may want to send this PDF to your mentees to remind them both of all they have accomplished so far this year and to offer some strategies for how they can become more successful in their teaching.

Peggy also has a post on the Resources section of the blog that reminds you of helpful material about grading that is on the JEA Mentoring CD that you received during your mentor training. Peggy suggests that you share this info with your mentees as they consider any course changes for next semester.