by Julie Dodd
JEA Mentor Committee co-chair

Sarah Nichols, JEA vice-president, has created a slideshow “Beyond & Behind the Book” that mentors and new yearbook advisers would be interested in. The slideshow is posted on Slideshare.

Nichols provides examples of how yearbooks can use social media to extend their reach “beyond” the book and not be limited by the publication date of the yearbook or the number of pages.

She also offers tips on how social media can be used to increase interest in and sales of the publication.

Her advice can apply to other student media, too — newspapers, broadcast and magazines.

Nichols developed the slideshow for her presentations recently at the fall J-Day for the Colorado High School Press Association and the state convention for Journalism Education Association of Northern California.

You’ll have the opportunity to hear her make the presentation of these slides at the JEA/NSPA convention in Minneapolis.